Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Empire Double-lever Corkscrew-antique Finish

Get the best deal for Empire Double-lever Corkscrew-antique Finish is now available. This cool product is now available, you may purchase it right now for only $0.00 and usually delivered in 24 hours.

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Purchase Empire Double-lever Corkscrew-antique Finish best deal. Top deals is presented for you on Empire Double-lever Finish at Best prices. Get for best deals.

Item Description

Levers are directly connected to the worm. Push levers up to form single handle for twisting into the cork. When inserted, pull both levers down. Handles open outward. Late 19th century design. 5-1/2 inches high x 4-3/4 inches wide across top. Pkg. Code: BX. Imprint area across lever arm: 1-3/8 inches x 1/4 inches. Metal Laser.

Factor Benefits

  • Empire Double-Lever Corkscrew-Antique Finish

Customer Opinions

not a satisfied customer
Jane Hay

My sister gave us one for Xmas and we tried it out yesterday - FAIL. I don't know if there is supposed to be an insert in the part that fits over the bottle top, but the whole thing is bigger than the bottle top and slides down the bottle without engaging at the top, and you can't get enough leverage to pull the cork. Maybe modern wine bottles are narrower in profile? Have no clue.I have contacted Franmara, and I guess we will see.

Rating: 2 1 reviews

Tags: Empire Double-lever Finish, Empire Double-lever Corkscrew-antique

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