Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Inked Strainer Bottle Opener: Day of the Dead - Aqua

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Purchase Inked Strainer Bottle Opener: Day of the Dead - Aqua top product. Best deal is presented for you on Inked Strainer Bottle Opener: Day of the Dead - Aqua at Lowest prices. Search for lowest deals.

Item Description

Inked Strainer Bottle Opener

Get ready for one of the coolest innovations for bartenders to happen in years!
The Strainer Bottle Opener is a unique steel bottle opener because it serves more than just one purpose. Besides being able to open bottles like no other opener, this Strainer Bottle Opener is also equipped with a convenient can opener. No more hurting your fingers or damaging your nails from opening energy drinks and fruit cans on a busy shift. The can opener will quickly crack open one or several cans fast and with ease! Works on any type of can. Also, the Strainer Bottle Opener comes with a built in cocktail strainer! Besides, they look awesome in our many original designs and new ones to come! Perfect for the professional bartender or the home bar.
Super durable steel construction, guaranteed to satisfy. You saw it here FIRST!
Patent pending.


  • Dishwasher safe, super durable, scratch resistant, colors won't fade overtime, Excellent finish
  • Perfect for professional bartenders or for the home bar use
  • Top of the line unique custom artwork, awesome looking durable shine
  • All bottle openers guaranteed. Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back
  • Pro Speed Opener with a Full Color Custom Images on Both Sides!

Customer Reviews

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