Friday, March 22, 2013

Art and Cook Cork Screw Zinc Positive Collection, Red

Get the best deal for Art and Cook Cork Screw Zinc Positive Collection, Red is trending. This awesome item is now available, you may buy it now for just $14.99 and often delivered in a single day.

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Product Info

Open your next bottle of wine with the Art and Cook Chrome Dreams Self-Pulling Corkscrew. Push the non-slip, flexible tabs inward to activate the internal foil cutter and rotate the bottle to remove foil. Twist the soft, comfortable turning knob to lift the cork out of the bottle. A non-stick worm glides smoothly through the cork and ejects the cork from the Corkscrew shaft for removal. The Corkscrew accommodates all size wine bottles and is dishwasher safe. Stand the Corkscrew upright on your bar, shelf or countertop for display and accessibility.


  • Air grip
  • Made of die-cast Aluminium for durability
  • Oversized turning knob with nonskid soft grip
  • Easy to clean
  • Hand wash recommended

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