Sunday, March 24, 2013

Camo Pattern V-Rod Bottle Opener

Get the best deal for Camo Pattern V-Rod Bottle Opener is now alive. This cool Camo V-Rod Bottle is now on sale, you can purchase it this moment for only $0.00 and usually ships within a single day.

When searching for Lowest Deal you may just not buy Camo V-Rod Bottle. Where to buy the Top Deal is very easy when buying from the internet. Camo Pattern V-Rod Bottle Opener which you always desired here on this site. We can give suggestion you to made without hassle decision to deal item number. There is no more place than online store where you found achieve your need Camo V-Rod Bottle at best selling deal when you search for this item at web. This item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Buy The Best Price Camo V-Rod Bottle From This Blog.

Buy Camo Pattern V-Rod Bottle Opener deal. Best deal available for you on Camo V-Rod Bottle at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.

Item Description

Go unrecognized with this Camouflaged Opener! The V-Rod bottle opener is a new and improved version of your ever popular speed opener. The difference being... the V-Rod is designed to aid in popping those stubborn pour spouts from liquor bottles. Genius!

Strong Feat

  • NEW Patented V-Rod Design by, Inc.
  • Opens Bottles Quickly
  • Removes Pour Spouts from Liquor Bottles
  • Full Color KolorCoat Process
  • V-Rod Exclusively sold by, Inc.


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Tags: Camo V-Rod Bottle, Camo Pattern Bottle, Pattern V-Rod Bottle

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