Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Stand-Up Rabbit Wine Opener Corkscrew with Foil Cutter and Extra Spiral (Red)

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Buy Stand-Up Rabbit Wine Opener Corkscrew with Foil Cutter and Extra Spiral (Red) top product. lowest price available for you on Stand-Up Rabbit Opener at Discounted prices. Get for best prices.

Item Information

Opening wine bottles can be a frustrating chore, but with the Metrokane Stand Up Rabbit you'll master the job in seconds! This easy-to-use corkscrew sits atop the wine bottle for one-handed operation. Pulls a cork in about three seconds and ejects the cork automatically. Precision-engineered with a die-cast metal lever handle. Includes a stand/presentation case with a transparent, hinged lid, a foil cutter and extra worm screw.


  • Comes with Foil Cutter and Extra Spiral.
  • Pulls a cork in 3 seconds flat.
  • Automatically ejects cork.
  • Works on all bottle sizes and all cork types.
  • All-metal gears.

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Lookup: Rabbit Wine Opener, Stand-Up Rabbit Opener, Stand-Up Wine Opener, Stand-Up Rabbit Wine

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